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housing complex

Grande Maison The YAMATE 241


September 29th, 2023




A low-rise condominium on a hill in Yamate, Yokohama City. The location, where a tourist spot and a residential area meet, required an appropriate balance of scale and presence. In addition, since other condominiums are being planned by the same company in the neighborhood, we are creating a sense of continuity with exterior plantings and building exterior, and are conscious of playing a role in the new landscape of the Yamate district.

The building are set far back from the road line, and the front garden was designed so that everyone in the town could enjoy it, much like Western-style buildings in the past. By dividing the volume into slits by the core of the hallway, and finishing each piece with brick tiles, we aim to create a modern design that echoes the weight of the historic townscape. We designed low height beams to realize large windows that extend all the way to the ceiling. Some trees and gates have been preserved to carry on the memory of the previous building.



建築面積:699 m²
延床面積:1,846 m²


Grande Maison The YAMATE 241

year: 2023/6
location: Yokohama Kanagawa, Japan
building type: Housing complex
BA: 699 m²
GFA: 1,846 m²
floor: 3F
structure: RC+S


photograph: SS Tokyo


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