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housing complex

Residence complex in Yamate-cho, Yokohama -D

横浜市山手町計画 – D

July 2nd, 2024


This low-rise condominium complex is located in a corner of Yamate Hill in Yokohama City. It is one of scattered sites developed by the same crient, and was designed with a strong awareness of creating a sense of continuity with the exterior plantings and building exterior walls, contributing to the new landscape of the Yamate area.
This project is characterized by Flemish bond wall as the landscape , and the building is contoured with a gate-shaped frame, while the glass box of the balcony, white canopy, and wooden canopy are used to harmonize with the undulating terrain typical of Yamate. Using the shaded expression of the building exterior, we have proposed an appearance of a residence unique to this site, combining the former “Yamate appearance” with a “welcoming appearance” for the resident.
横浜市山手町計画 – D
Residence complex in Yamate-cho, Yokohama -D

建築面積:774 m²
延床面積:2,036 m²


year: 2024/ 7
location: Yokohama Kanagawa, Japan
building type: Housing complex
BA: 774 m²
GFA: 2,036 m²
floor: 3F
structure: RC


photograph: SS Tokyo


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Residence complex
in Yamate-cho, Yokohama – F
横浜市山手町計画 – F