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Private house

Vanke Kunshan Project


March 13th, 2013

竣工年: 進行中
所在地: 中国 昆山市
用途: 住宅 / 集合住宅
建築面積: —
延床面積: 約70万 m²
階: 住宅:地上2階地下1階/集合住宅:地上4階
構造: RC造一部S造
A second house project featuring 12 design types for the vast wetlands area around Yangcheng Lake, a lake in the suburbs of Shanghai that is famous for its crab.
The designs bring the waterside world inside the site, using techniques inspired by natural processes such as branching, expanding, shrinking, floating, and bending.
A project with buildings that blend into the ecology of the surrounding area.
year: in progress
location: Kunshan, China
building type: Residence / Apartment
BA: —
GFA: 700,000 m²
floor: Residence:2F/B1F Apartment:4F
structure: RC/S